/status use-cases

Here are some scenarios where the information from the /status file of the Resiliate filesystem can be invaluable:

1. User Behavior Analysis

Problem: A sysadmin wants to monitor user behavior to detect any unusual activities that might indicate compromised accounts or insider threats.

Solution: By analyzing the /status file, the sysadmin can track activities of specific users (using the u: prefix). For instance, a sudden spike in damaged files or exfiltrations for a particular user might indicate suspicious behavior.


grep "^u:" /status | awk '$3 > 10 {print $0}'

This command filters out users with more than 10 damaged files, which can then be further investigated.

2. Real-time Threat Detection

Problem: A security admin wants to set up real-time alerts for potential threats.

Solution: The /threats file can be monitored for changes. Any new entries can trigger an alert. Additionally, the score and sigma values in the /status file can be used to set thresholds for alerts.


tail -f /threats | grep "Ransomware"

This command monitors the threats file in real-time for any ransomware-related entries.

3. Data Labeling for Machine Learning

Problem: A data scientist wants to train a machine learning model to predict malicious activities and needs labeled data.

Solution: The /status file provides labeled data with reason, attack, and score fields. This data can be extracted and used as training data for the model.


awk -F" " '{print $4, $6, $8}' /status > training_data.csv

This command extracts the reason, attack, and score fields for machine learning training.

4. Impact Detection Post-Incident

Problem: After a security incident, a secadmin wants to assess the impact, specifically which processes were involved and the extent of the damage.

Solution: The p: entries in the /status file can be analyzed to see which processes were active during the incident and how many files they damaged or exfiltrated.


grep "^p:" /status | awk '$3 > 0 || $5 > 0 {print $0}'

This command lists processes that have damaged or exfiltrated files.

5. Forensic Analysis

Problem: After a data breach, forensic experts want to trace back the activities of a particular group or user to understand the breach's origin.

Solution: The /status file can be analyzed to track the activities of specific groups (using the g: prefix) or users over time.


grep "^g:1000" /status

This command retrieves all activities associated with group ID 1000.

These scenarios highlight the versatility of the Resiliate filesystem's /status and /threats files in addressing various system and security administration challenges. By leveraging this data, professionals can proactively manage, monitor, and mitigate potential risks.